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junk bond 不值錢的債券,垃圾債券。

junk bottle

The second part analyze the direct causes of enron ' s abrupt collapse and probes into the set up of special purpose entities of hiding debts and counterfeit increase of income and profits , which received wide criticism from the investors , and the relevant transactions which caused the financial crisis of the company and resulted in the sharp shrink of its stock price and degradation of credit to junk bond 內容涉及被投資者普遍指責的用于隱藏債務、虛增收入及利潤的特殊目的實體的搭建,以及觸發安然公司債務危機并由此導致其股價巨幅縮水、信用等級被降至垃圾級的關聯交易。第三部分從安然的發展戰略、企業文化、公司治理結構等方面分析安然失敗的深層次原因。

The selling of mutual funds and annuities to middle - income customers through a network of 12 , 000 brokers has been dogged by poor investment performance , including big losses on junk bonds 該集團通過一個由1 . 2萬名經紀人組成的網絡向中等收入客戶銷售共同基金與年金,但集團糟糕的投資業績,包括在垃圾債券上的重大損失,令上述銷售業務深受困擾。

But leveraged loans are now more popular than junk bonds , because they are quick to arrange and put a lender closer to the front of the repayment queue if the borrower runs into trouble 然而目前最受歡迎的還是杠桿式貸款而非后保債券,因為這種貸款能夠迅速籌集,而且如果借貸者遇到困難的話,這種貸款可以使他們減少償還時間。

A secondary market for the entertainment industry would be closer , perhaps , to the reinsurance market of lloyd ' s of london or , frankly , to a secondary market in junk bonds 娛樂產業的次級市場,可能比較類似倫敦洛依德再保險集團的再保險市場,或者坦白講,比較像垃圾債券次級市場。

Meanwhile , boston scientific ' s credit standing with ratings agencies this month fell into junk bond territory 同時,波士頓科技公司的債券信用評級在這個月降為“垃圾債券”的狀態。

In the heady days of the 1980s , leveraged buy - outs relied on junk bonds 在二十世紀八十年代迅速發展的時期,杠桿式收購主要依靠的是后保債券。

Junk bond status 垃圾債券狀況

Michael milken will always be synonymous with the term ” junk bond king 邁克爾?米爾肯總是“風險債券之王”的同義詞。

Junk bonds : a fin 一種有前景的商業冒險金融工具

Leveraged buy - outs and junk bonds 杠桿收購和垃圾債券